What CES Can Show Us About Evolving Consumer Security Needs: A Timeline

Appropriately dubbed the ‘Global Stage for Innovation,’ it’s no wonder CES showcases the most cutting-edge consumer technologies coming out in the year ahead. No topic is off the table; Attendees will learn more about connected homes, smart cities and self-driving cars, try out shiny new digital health wearables, headsets, and other connected tech, explore AI-driven technologies, and so much more.

Although events like CES showcase breakthrough technologies, interestingly, they also highlight how rapidly new technology is replaced with the next new thing. The rate at which we are treading on new ground is shifting exponentially, and what we see at CES this January might be obsolete in just a few years.

This rapidly changing technological landscape poses a significant predicament to consumers, a ‘digital dilemma’ if you will: as new technologies accelerate and IoT devices that house them progress, new challenges arise with them. This is particularly the case when it comes to security and privacy. And, just as security and products change and adapt, so do our needs and wants as consumers. Those of a teen differ from those of a parent, from those of a baby boomer, and so on. Let’s see how those needs change over time.

A Digital Life Timeline

2015: The Teen Technologist

Born in the late ‘90s, this teen is an everyday gamer, who loves to play games online with friends. They also love their smartphone, mostly for the access to social media. A teen wouldn’t necessarily be concerned with security, so having a comprehensive system built in is crucial.

2021: The Young Professional

Entering the workforce for the first time, the young professional is finally able to buy the gadgets that were once luxuries. They might have two phones; one for work and a personal device. Additionally, they are bringing more connected devices into their home, so the need for a secure home network has become obvious. They are also always on the go and having to connect to public Wi-Fi, so a Virtual Private Network (VPN) should be considered.

2032: The Concerned Parent

Fast forward almost ten years, the young professional has become a worrying parent. Their kids are spending too much time on screens. Having a way to monitor what they are doing on the internet and limit their time online is crucial, and an application that could  provide parental controls would be welcomed. Also, as they bring larger, more connected devices into the home, like smart refrigerators and thermostats, they are excited about a platform that will bake in security through a home network.

2038: The Brand Loyalists

The concerned parent has found devices they like and those they do not like. But more importantly, they have found brands they love, and they may continue to purchase from to bring the latest technology into their family’s lives. A comprehensive security system that covers all types of devices is exactly what they would need to keep a layer of protection

2045: The Unacquainted User

At this point in a digital journey, our user has stopped keeping up with trends because things have changed so much. Almost to the point where they are unwilling to learn new tech, or are untrusting of it all together. But the need to maintain their security and privacy is still top of mind –especially as cybercriminals often prey on this demographic due to being an easy target. A person like this might worry about ransomware, viruses, and identity theft along with protecting their home network.

As you can see, a person’s security and safety needs, desires, and even their devices evolve depending on the moment in which they are within their life. With so much in flux, the last thing anyone wants to think about is security – but with constantly changing technology at an all-time high, it’s safe to bet that threats will evolve to keep pace, and so should the ways in which we protect devices. For these reasons, it’s important to leverage a security partner that will keep this in mind, and will grow with not only our evolving needs, but evolving technology, too.

To learn more about consumer security and our approach to it, be sure to follow us at @McAfee and @McAfee_Home.

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